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Reviewing Gartner's AI Predictions for 2024: Do They Still Hold Up?

In August 2023, Gartner shared its predictions for AI in 2024. Let's take a look, half a year later, at whether these predictions are on track or if we've seen shifts in trends. We'll also discuss how Data Machine Intelligence (DMI) applies these trends in our aerospace and defense solutions.

Futuristic illustration of aerospace elements to illustrate the article

Cloud Data Ecosystems

Gartner Predicted: AI data processes will increasingly use the cloud.

DMI's Take: We find this accurate. Cloud services, such as Google Cloud AI and Microsoft Azure AI, have revolutionized how we deploy applications, emphasizing the need for flexible solutions in aerospace and defense. Today’s connection and computing speeds allow for increasingly complex cloud applications. E.g. it is possible to run full flight simulation in the cloud, which previously needed to be run on premise. Especially in the aerospace industry, security and criticality requirements will however require to at least also deploy locally. At DMI we offer both cloud-based and on-premises solutions to meet varying requirements.

Edge AI

Gartner Predicted: AI will shift towards edge computing.

DMI's Take: This prediction holds. It is also a result of increased experience in the application of AI. Only when you know what exactly you need a system to do can you specialize it and minimize resources. Edge AI requires a deep understanding of system needs for efficiency. Moreover, multi-cloud strategies and containerized applications emphasize the importance of interoperability and flexibility. Developing the right system capabilities at the right location in the connected cloud is complex. For this, we offer flexible system-of-systems testing to identify optimal AI deployment scenarios.

Responsible AI

Gartner Predicted: Focus on ethical AI and compliance will grow.

DMI's Take: Essential and ongoing. Responsible AI development is critical for public trust and compliance. Can you call it a trend? Well, if the EU already creates laws for it, maybe not. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that it is extremely important. Companies who employ AI will need to prove that they are responsible in their system development. At DMI safety, transparency and societal benefit are central values. This is why we address explainability and transparency at every stage of the development process and enable customers to deliver AI certification evidence with our tools.

Data-Centric AI

Gartner Predicted: Shift from model-centric to data-centric AI. Gartner predicts 60% of data for AI will be synthetic to simulate reality, future scenarios and derisk AI, up from 1% in 2021.

DMI's Take: Spot-on. Quality data is key to specialized AI systems, especially where real-world data is scarce, such as aerospace and defense. E.g. while on one hand it is good that we do not have massive amounts of sensor data from real-life near-collisions, it is not good for the development of AI systems that support a pilot in these extreme situations. We see synthetic data as a fundamental element for the fast advancement of AI systems and will continuously expand the flexible data generation capabilities built into our tools.

Accelerated AI Investment

Gartner Predicted: AI investments will continue to rise rapidly.

DMI's Take: We're seeing this trend in the continuously strong interest from all relevant players in the industry, as well as the rapid creation of new companies in the field. For this to persist, the companies have to experience a fast time-to-value and see the concrete benefits AI delivers to their business. This is one of the key points where DMI seeks to support. We enable companies to quickly simulate AI systems in complex aerospace environments and understand where the true impact of AI is in their specific field.


While we should acknowledge that these trend predictions were not too daring, it is still a solid performance by Gartner. Their 2024 AI predictions are largely proving to be accurate, reflecting the transformative and lasting impact of AI on the industry.

At DMI we pay close attention that our solutions remain at the leading edge, ensuring our aerospace and defense clients can seamlessly integrate AI with a focus on security, efficiency, and compliance.

What do you think - is there anything you see completely differently or something that we have missed?

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